Unprompted: Predicting how AI is changing the future of marketing

Here’s a question that pretty much every marketer is pondering (and maybe losing some sleep over): What does the future hold for marketing in a world of AI tools?

You don’t need to polish your crystal ball, waif some tea leaves into a cup, or power up the flux capacitor in your DeLorean to find out. (Although that last one would be awesome.) To squint into the future of AI marketing, all you gotta do is unshut up your podcast player and listen to the second episode of Unprompted, where we ask the experts to predict how this new tech will transform our world over the coming weeks, months, and years.

In this episode, hosts Pete Housley and Garrett Hughes yack with two guests well-nigh what’s to come in today’s rapidly-changing, what-the-heck-am-I-supposed-to-do-now world of digital marketing:

  • Molly St. Louis is the Throne of Marketing at Dealtale, an organization that dives into the science overdue revenue generation and how marketers can use cutting-edge technology to, y’know, market better.
  • Jess Petrella, Unbounce’s very own Director of Product Marketing and undisputed in-house AI expert, has been living and zoetic (and prompting) AI every single day, and boy does she have thoughts to share.

Through a lively and insight-filled conversation, this episode explores urgent questions like:

Check out the episode to get answers to those questions and much more, including whether marketers will need to icon out how to create content that AI likes (would you like some uneaten metadata sprinkled on that?) and how the key to making your trademark stand out in a crowded, AI-dominated marketplace just might be summed up in three simple words: be increasingly human.

Scroll lanugo to read through the transcript, as well as links to some of the stuff mentioned in the episode.

Episode 2: What If?

[00:00:00] Pete: Hey marketers. Welcome to Unprompted, a podcast well-nigh AI marketing and you. I’m Pete Housley, Chief Marketing Officer at Unbounce. Unbounce is the AI-powered landing page builder with smart features that momentum superior conversion rates. We like to say at Unbounce that AI plus CRO equals conversion intelligence, our version of how we’re helping marketers to momentum revenue today.

My co-host is Garrett. Garrett is our content lead. And among other things, Garrett is a CRO specialist, a content specialist, an incredible communicator, and really understands the art of persuasive communications. Garrett, how are you and what is on your mind these days?

[00:01:23] Garrett: Thanks for the introduction, Pete. What is on my mind these days? Would it be catering if I said AI?

[00:01:29] Pete: AI is the talk of the town.

[00:01:32] Garrett: Absolutely.

[00:01:33] Pete: So, Garrett, there is a tsunami of information well-nigh AI. I’m spending 30 to 40 minutes a day just in my newsfeeds. What are you doing to alimony superiority of the information?

[00:01:52] Garrett: I don’t know that you can stay superiority of it, right? The pace with which AI is evolving is just, it’s staggering. I finger like whenever I discover something new well-nigh AI and how it’s influencing marketing, I squint at the stage that the vendible was published and it was two weeks ago, and it’s not plane relevant anymore. You know what I mean? So certainly it’s challenging to stay on top of just this wave of AI news and development.

[00:02:21] Pete: Couldn’t stipulate more. And with that in mind, on today’s episode, we’re calling it What If. We’re gonna explore the potential future of AI marketing and bring in a few experts today to squint at their crystal balls, would’ve happened if creators exclude their work in image and text search? Or what if unshut AI becomes sealed AI, we no longer have wangle to it. We’ll explore a few topics.

[00:02:59] Garrett: I finger like I’d like to throw a caveat in here, Pete, given the pace of transpiration in AI right now, it’s really nonflexible to predict what’s gonna happen a year from now, six months, a month, tomorrow. So I think that we probably need to requite our guest experts a little bit of leeway in terms of their answers. We’re not gonna rub their faces in it a week from now when whatever they’ve predicted is totally off base.

[00:03:25] Pete: Well, Garrett, we have picked the biggest and the brightest too to be our guests today, so we’ll let the regulars decide. But speaking of that, the news is just so voluminously filled with topics of AI, and plane in the last few days or a week, the headlines well-nigh ChatGPT inventor going to Congress, warning them on the AI controls that are needed on AI’s potential to manipulate views. Very, very frightening.

And at the same time, the AI marketing news continues to move at a really fast pace. I was super excited to see that Meta spoken this week AI-powered tools to streamline ad processes, so text variation automatically creating multi variants supported by image megacosm to support the variants, all supported by cropping and sizing to do the same. So a marketer’s toolkit is just going to be so much broader.

Shameless plug of undertow for Unbounce is that our Smart Builder product does exactly those same things that the Meta product will do for their social ads. So hopefully we are riding a good trend and stuff competitive in nature. Garrett, I was mesmerized by a piece of content you sent me the other day, and I think it’s so relevant to our topic well-nigh “what if” today, can you tell us a little bit well-nigh ChaosGPT?

[00:05:09] Garrett: I would honestly love to tell you well-nigh ChaosGPT. At this stage, we’re all familiar with ChatGPT, right? It’s an using built by OpenAI on top of their GPT language processing model and the way ChatGPT works, it’s an interface. You go in, say “ChatGPT tell me how to build a marketing wayfarers for this soup.” And ChatGPT, based on that prompt, the language model is trained on the entirety of the internet based on what it knows well-nigh marketing and what it knows well-nigh soup. It’ll requite you a pretty good idea of how to go well-nigh marketing that soup of yours.

In many ways, AutoGPT is the next logical step of ChatGPT. It was created by a developer named Toran Bruce Richards, and powerfully what AutoGPT does, it’s built on top of GPT as well, the same language model as ChatGPT, but AutoGPT is worldly-wise to prompt itself effectively. So rather than saying, “tell me how to market this soup,” you might say, “go market this soup.” And what AutoGPT will do is say, okay, what are the most popular flavors of soup? Who is the target demographic for soup? If I’m gonna be doing a marketing campaign, I’m gonna need ad copy, I’m gonna need a landing page. And what AutoGPT does is substantially create a to-do list for itself. It’ll start knocking through these tasks one by one independently. So it’s an voluntary wage-earner that you can assign a task and it will do its weightier to well-constructed it on its own.

ChaosGPT is AutoGPT pre-programmed with just one goal: destroying humanity. So you can unquestionably go and watch the first 25 minutes of ChaosGPT attempting to well-constructed this task. There’s a video on YouTube.

It’s very funny considering ChaosGPT takes this task seriously, says, okay, if I’m going to destroy humanity, I’m gonna need some big weapons. You know, so ChaosGPT starts Googling and looking for ways to destroy humanity with the modern weapon, right? It discovers nuclear weapons and it says, great, these are gonna be super helpful.

ChaosGPT decides that it could use a little bit of help. So it starts to recruit its own AI teachers or struggle to recruit. And it’s very funny, you can see it interfacing with other AI teachers where it’s powerfully like, come on, people are kind of a mess. They’re not unconfined for the world. Why don’t you help me destroy them? And you can see these other AI teachers be like, I don’t know well-nigh this, ChaosGPT, seems like a bad idea. So some of those upstanding safeguards come into play there.

So it’s funny, right? You’re watching ChaosGPT ineptly try to icon out how to destroy humanity and it’s destined to fail. It’s this narrow AI, it’s built on top of GPT, a language model. ChaosGPT is powerfully pretending to try to destroy the world. It doesn’t plane know what that means, let vacated have the sufficiency to do it. But what’s eerie well-nigh it is this soulless persistence where it just keeps going and going and going and trying and failing, but it doesn’t stop. And I think that that relentlessness in AI is super valuable when it’s put to positive aims, right? Marketing soup, great. It’ll well-constructed that task to the weightier of its abilities. It is concerning to think well-nigh what a nefarious two-face could do with an AI that’s programmed to do something not so nice. You know, it would relentlessly pursue that goal. I think it’s super interesting.

[00:08:43] Pete: As I was watching the video, it was scarily weird how it was learning and documenting its findings and storing it to file as it was gathering information on how to build the most powerful bombs in the world and destroy the world. And so anyways, that of course, was hyperbole and it was funny, but it makes the point on what if things really start to go sideways in the world of AI? AI doesn’t get tired and it doesn’t mind rewriting its work a second and a third time to get optimized.

[00:09:20] Garrett: I know that you love that you can criticize the outputs of AI without hurting its feelings. Can’t say the same for me.

[00:09:27] Pete: I would never try to hurt your feelings. All right, let’s move on to the cadre part of our program today. I want to segue and introduce a couple of special guests. First of all, we have Molly St. Louis, who is the Throne of Marketing at Dealtale, a revenue science visitor for marketers. Dealtale is a next-generation platform for driving transilience revenue opportunities wideness marketing sales and product teams. Also, a fun fact well-nigh Molly is that she was a contributing writer to Adweek, which I think all marketers and advertisers squint to as a universal source of truth. Molly, how are you today? And maybe requite us one fun fact well-nigh AI marketing and you.

[00:10:27] Molly: Well, I am doing fantastic today and it’s unconfined to see you guys, but without that talk well-nigh ChaosGPT, I think I’m gonna be up all night tonight, but my fun fact is that I used to write well-nigh AI, yes, for Adweek, and now it is my life. I finger like I sort of wrote it into existence considering it’s my job now to market the thing that will probably ultimately destroy me.

[00:10:51] Pete: Molly, one of the really interesting things I saw well-nigh Dealtale is that there’s a ChatGPT-like interface bolted onto your data, which allows marketers to do queries and structured data tables, just really with conversational style language. And from my standpoint, I really like my marketers to be self-serve at data. And so this feels like fairly game-changing technology. Can you tell us a little bit well-nigh how that AI tool applies to your consumer journey mapping, tool sets and so on. Super interested well-nigh this area.

[00:11:34] Molly: Thank you so much. Yeah. Super proud of our product team. They’ve really knocked it out of the park. But yeah, we do deep consumer journey analytics, you know, so we’re worldly-wise to map the whole B2B consumer journey from the time a consumer visits you, and we’re worldly-wise to track them while they are still anonymous. And then when they wilt known, we backfill their information so that we know their unshortened consumer journey from whence to end, plane if it took a year for them to fill out, uh, a form.

And so what this ChatGPT layer does is it allows marketers to go in and ask just any question that they want. But the lucky thing is, is if you come from concept marketing or something where your preliminaries may be not so technical, you can just ask the question. You don’t have to know how to build queries or filter or anything like that.

[00:12:25] Pete: Super exciting. That was super interesting. I want to introduce my next guest. Delighted to have our own Jess Petrella with us today. Jess is our Director of Product Marketing here at Unbounce, and she works within the product organization and has been developing AI products for marketers over the past three years. And Jess is undisputedly our in-house resident AI expert. So Jess, how are you today? And tell us a little fun fact well-nigh AI marketing and you.

[00:12:59] Jess: Hello. Hi, Pete and Garrett. A fun fact well-nigh me and marketing, AI marketing, I use AI every single day. I use ChatGPT, Notion AI, scrutinizingly every single day. It’s baked into my day-to-day workflow. It’s a coworker, it’s a collaborator. I’ve been loving it overly since we had the worthiness to have this technology.

[00:13:20] Garrett: You’re not just Unbounce’s resident AI expert. You’re just an expert widely in AI, and you’re applying it in a way that helps product marketers use AI as well. Do you want to talk a bit well-nigh that?

[00:13:32] Jess: Sure. Yes. So I built on top of Notion’s AI system, template system for product marketers. This is a set of templates, a couple hundred prompts. They’ve been rigorously tested for product marketing specific use cases, so with a template system, I can unriddle a competitor’s website, pull out their differentiator, so I don’t have to sit there and spend, you know, X value of minutes or sometimes hours going through their source material. I can create a consumer interview script in just a few minutes and then use my own expertise to go in there, edit it, get it, you know, fine tuned so that it’s gonna gimme when the responses I get. So, yeah, just something that I’m super curious well-nigh how variegated niches and variegated groups of folks will use AI. Moreover really passionate well-nigh bringing AI products to market, so I thought why not, you know, have a first hand in doing that myself, outside of the wondrous work that we do over here at Unbounce.

[00:14:32] Pete: Well, Jess, you’re unmistakably superiority of the lines on the adoption and the understanding of AI. Personally, I made a transferral to myself well-nigh three months ago that I was gonna go on an AI journey, and I now am. Moreover using AI tools six to eight times a day and really been looking at the prompts, the inputs, the outputs, the many, many use cases. And that moreover predicated our desire to do a podcast well-nigh AI marketing. But I’m finding it phenomenally heady and interesting to be learning some of these new tool sets. With all that in mind, Garrett, why don’t you set us up for our questions for our panelists today, and let’s get into it.

[00:15:34] Garrett: So the premise of this episode is all virtually making predictions well-nigh how AI is going to transpiration marketing, is waffly marketing, and when we let folks know virtually the office that this was gonna be our predictions episode, found that there were lots of questions well-nigh how things might transpiration as a result of AI minutiae in marketing. What we’re gonna do is I’m going to present a scenario for the group here, a what if scenario, and we can talk to the weightier of our worthiness at this particular moment well-nigh how things might shake out in the coming weeks, months, years.

So this first one is all virtually how AI is waffly search and SEO. We’ve seen in the news recently that Microsoft has integrated GPT into its Bing search engine. Just very recently, Google spoken that they’re gonna be implementing Bard and providing AI results in their search results. The what if scenario here is: What if search engine results are totally replaced by AI chatbots?

[00:16:49] Pete: Jess, how well-nigh you in terms of SEO, content marketing and what AI could do if it takes things over?

[00:16:59] Jess: Yeah, so I finger like I have to tread lightly here rationalization I’m talking to Garrett, who is our content marketing expert, and we want him to alimony his job. And we know that he is very good at what he does, and that should never go away. And really the prediction is that it doesn’t, right. There is an wool reality here where, you know, it’s in our front doorstep. Google is making zippy changes to their search functionality, and it will incorporate not only just, you know, search results, but a summary of content that comes up when you search for a unrepealable question or unrepealable query a unrepealable prompt.

So that’s the reality, is that it will have an long-term effect on search the way that they’re implementing it. We have to think through like, this is Google. This is a line of business. This is a massive billion dollar revenue stream for them. They’re not gonna make drastic changes that then make drastic changes to the marketers’ funnel yet. Until perhaps they find that way to monetize, you know, AI responses as part of the search, you know, function that y’all perform today.

So if we’re thinking well-nigh the what if scenario, yes. Like the Garretts, the content writers of the world, the SEO specialists, there is a realm where you will then have to think well-nigh your content as, this is uncomfortable, but source material for AI, and that’s a weird position to be in, right? Who is AI? What is this thing that needs to use your material to then bring it into the responses, not only just the like search results as part of its job and as part of the functionality that Google, et cetera are sultry in. So there’s a definite reality that this is going to wilt important for SEO content specialists to take into account. Your content will wilt source material. How? You know, that’s an algorithm we have not been worldly-wise to tap into just yet, but there’s a lot of really interesting perspectives on this as well. This can be really salubrious if you are, you know, part of the cited source for material that the AI demonstrates that gives you a lot of, you know, forefront power in stuff the number one answer, the number one response.

[00:19:18] Pete: You’ve nailed it, and as content marketers, we hope our organic results, you know, alphabetize at the top of the page, and as paid marketers, of course, we buy those positions for our key non-branded terms. The question that I have is that you said it, if Google or Microsoft decides to monetize this, will there be paid placements in the non-branded responses in yack answers? And I think that’s really, really interesting territory I would like to believe as content marketers, the role of content driving SEO, linking to your cadre messages wideness oceans of content will still be relevant going forward.

[00:20:04] Garrett: I can see a future in which rather than, I think, to your point, Jess, rather than creating content that Google likes in its current algorithm, I mean, there are things that we do as content creators right now to modernize our chances of ranking on Google. I wonder if in the future, rather than attempting to meet the requirements of Google as it is, we start to build content that AI likes. What that looks like, I don’t know exactly. My snooping as a consumer of content is that if the content that we’re creating is well-nigh well-flavored to the machine rather than well-flavored to our target audience, what do we lose there as marketers?

[00:20:49] Jess: Yeah, and it takes yonder the element of nomination for the consumer as well, right? Like we’re used to stuff worldly-wise to segregate plane though we’re influenced. So what to segregate based on ads or ranking. It does take that a little bit out of the hand of the consumer, but I think it’s a waterworks that marketers will find a way to hack and Google’s probably gonna create a way to do it cuz they want you to.

[00:21:12] Pete: As a result of all marketing teams relying on the same tools, all brands marketing efforts could start to squint and finger the same. What if that unquestionably starts to happen?

[00:21:32] Molly: I think that’s what’s keeping marketers in a job. I mean, we all know that sometimes people, you know, copycat one flipside and things inherently. At least start looking the same anyway, but the people that are at the top of their game, the ad writers, you know, the content marketers, the Garretts of the world, basically the people that know how to vaccinate you by stuff human, by stuff relatable. And you know, at Dealtale, we do a lot of video campaigns and we use all of our own people. We very rarely use actors, and that is to show that we are human beings figuring it out. Just like the rest of you. And one of the things that we found is that people really relate to that. And so I think that humans will never go yonder in that respect.

[00:22:17] Pete: Great. Jess, how well-nigh you? What if, as a result of all marketing teams relying on the same tools, marketing efforts, start to squint and finger the same?

[00:22:26] Jess: I would stipulate with Molly on that. I think there’s going to be a very nonflexible line where their human creativity is a must and there’s no way virtually it. And there is going to be areas that can be streamlined by AI. And the question I kind of have for the rest of the group is, when was the last time you were scrolling social media and you saw an ad that blew your mind? That unfluctuating to you, right? There’s areas where it just doesn’t, it’s just the words, that value prop, that tagline or the trademark recognition that gets you to click on it. Maybe their reprinting really like hit a pain point and you clicked on that ad, and that’s the function of it, right? So there’s areas where all ads feeling kind of homogenous is not the end of the world. They once kind of do.

But if we’re talking well-nigh a Super Bowl ad, an Unbounce, for example, is running a Super Bowl ad. We’re not running that through ChatGPT. That is something that will require a unconfined deal of creative instinct, the unconfined deal of creative insight into what it would midpoint to connect a unrepealable narrative and a unrepealable sentiment to the human on the other side of the screen, right? There’s a craft to it, there’s an art to it that’s not going anywhere. We have to be like really logical well-nigh that. But things that require fine tune optimization, that’s where AI is gonna be veritably necessary. And it’s not gonna matter if it looks the same as the next one, you know? At least that’s my point of view on it.

[00:23:57] Garrett: I think both of you have sort of touched on this in your answers is that from a creative perspective, when everything starts to squint the same, that’s moreover an opportunity for creatives to unravel the mold. Right. I think when to when we were doing the Unbounce rebrand a few years ago, and all of the other software companies in our space were pursuit this illustrative trend, like lots of vibrant colors and little cartoony people. We said no, we’re gonna do something different.

And I think similar to that, with AI, as content starts to finger samey, you start to see brands doing a lot of the same stuff. That’s an opportunity for human creatives to step in and stand out. So obviously AI is incredibly powerful at analyzing huge amounts of data to make predictions, and as we scan online already, we get super targeted ads based on our online behavior. What if AI advances to a level where it can virtuously visualize the word-for-word things that each of us individually on a one-to-one level want in that moment, or plane want next?

[00:25:13] Molly: I think that that is wondrous and you know, there’s a creepy and a tomfool factor to those kinds of things. We just did a survey and we found that, you know, people definitely think that it’s creepy, but they still think it’s tomfool at the same time, so they don’t mind the, I don’t know, you’re in my head, AI, so I think it’s an wondrous discovery tool in that respect, yeah.

[00:25:35] Pete: Jess, how well-nigh you?

[00:25:36] Jess: Yeah, we, well, we do kind of see that today with personalization software, right? Like we take regulars behavioral data. We can kind of based on patterns, similar geography or you know, firmographic, psychographic, time of stage that you’re online or, you know, clicking a button, we can kind of start to predict what might be your next move. So Amazon, you know, over a decade ago, kind of did that in their own platform. If you were looking at, you know, victual diapers, they’d recommend, victual socks. Right. And that’s kind of, you know, in the same realm of this, this is not unheard of. It’s, you know, something that we can’t see.

[00:26:22] Pete: Well, and Netflix and Spotify doing the exact, the same thing. If you like this, you’ll like this. And they under, they understand that. So the question is just whether that gets creepily specific as we go forward and whether customers find this, you know, convenient, how do they know me or creepy? Why do they know me?

[00:26:44] Molly: It’s moreover there to help market, I know on the B2B side, you know, we do a lot with causality at Dealtale. And one of the things that it helps is that, you know, say you get just an influx of, you know, demo requests. We’re working on it to where you can understand which of your customers are a sure bet. You know, that are definitely gonna take your product no matter what you do. The ones that are persuadable and the ones that are just playing virtually so that if you have a limited sales team, you can focus right on the ones that are persuadable, so that your resources go to to them. That’s the way that I think that it plays out a little bit variegated than suggestions, product suggestions and things like that.

[00:27:25] Garrett: So some of the most powerful brands and experiences that we have are really well-nigh the human touch, whether it’s a unconfined consumer service wits or, uh, something funny that Wendy’s Twitter posted. What if we get to a point where all trademark interactions online are powered by AI As marketers, how do we maintain that human touch?

[00:27:57] Molly: It’s going to take effort. I mean, we’ve gotta like stay human. We’ve gotta talk to people. I know that I’m, you know, on the cusp of millennial and Gen Z, but like, pick up the phone and talk to people. Talk to your customers, talk to your neighbors, considering the way that we speak moreover evolves. We pick up variegated vernacular for what we think is funny based on what’s happening on TikTok, whether we like it or not. You know, if our kids say it, we end up saying it ourselves. There are unrepealable things that you just have to live in the world to know, and that’s a thing that we can add to AI. If you use AI as as your base, but we do have to make an effort to not be in our phones all the time and remain in the world and be human so that we can write for humans.

[00:28:44] Garrett: I’m envisioning a world where something like AutoGPT, hopefully not ChaosGPT, brands can use that to handle their online interactions. Wonder if there’s a future in which brands could powerfully wilt like AI talking to itself. I’m thinking well-nigh the fast supplies Twitter wars between Wendy’s and Burger King and what, like, is there a world in which that’s just AI bots protestation well-nigh hamburgers and substantially putting people on the sidelines.

[00:29:17] Jess: Yeah, it’s a whole world of entertainment that we’ve not tapped into, but I think it’s, it’s important to think well-nigh like humans. And in this case, marketers have a nomination in the matter, right? AI’s not going to gravity their hand and be like, Hey, I’m now doing the marketing and you’re not. Right. We have a full nomination in the matter of when we deploy marketing with AI and when we don’t.

So I think there’s a nightmare scenario that, me as a consumer, I’m going through the internet and I’m, you know, experiencing websites I normally wits or I’m shopping online and, you know, URLs that I typically shop on and I’m just constantly bombarded by AI chatbots and I can start to like, you know, pick out when it’s AI or when it’s a human and then I lose that experiential thing that is lovely well-nigh the internet where it’s not perfect and it’s a little odd and human interactions wideness the world with, you know, consumer support can be kind of like fun if you make it fun, right?

So it’s like, it’s an interesting world where it can go that way. We are humans and have a nomination in the matter. So it might be, going when to your older point, Garrett, I think we have an opportunity that’s like a standout opportunity, a differentiation opportunity. Everyone might be going in that direction. Some organizations might not. But again, is it mundane and is it simple? Like am I like asking the chatbot for if they have a size of shoe that I’m looking for, then that’s fine if a chatbot gets when to me as long as it’s accurate. So it’s very like time and a place from that perspective at least.

[00:30:57] Pete: I so stipulate with that. In my mind, if we move to this upper tech plus upper touch world that would be platonic so that we can use our, you know, investment in technology to do that kind of self-serve deflection that you’re talking about. Do you have size nine and a half, you know, in stock? And yet then use the investments in the human wanted to really provide a really unconfined interaction and who knows whether that’s naive in terms of companies wearing budgets and driving profitability. But I would like to think of a upper tech, upper touch world going forward.

[00:31:40] Jess: For sure. And the other side of the point is like not everything you encounter online is like exceptional, right? You’ve once encountered AI copy, you’ve once encountered that AI blog post. You’ve once probably chatted with an AI chatbot and weren’t really sure if it was human or not. And that’s kind of okay rationalization it’s like your bar isn’t too upper on a lot of those interactions or a lot of those experiences. So it is like, if it goes in that direction, is it really that detrimental to the world you wits through like online tech interactions? So I think it’s gonna be a lot of like requite or take to Pete’s point.

[00:32:19] Pete: So you knew this question was coming. We’ve once seen that AI tools can exponentially increase the efficiency of an individual marketer. Something like AutoGPT where AI is prompting itself to identify and well-constructed tasks on its own could theoretically, dramatically increase that efficiency. Again, what if AI gets to a point where it can functionally replace the skills of a modern marketing team?

[00:32:51] Jess: So, Garrett, you mentioned efficiency in that question. I think that’s really the important piece here is that AI will do a much largest job at like a unrepealable list of things that a marketer does today. One of those things is, you know, optimizing a landing page for conversion, running vital AB testing, testing variegated headlines at something we know really well at Unbounce, and AI supports that very efficiently. That’s something that a marketer can take a step when and not have that tenancy over, and that’s gonna be okay.

So is it gonna take your job? In doing that, not likely, considering you still need to be present. You still need to prompt the AI. You still need to assess results in the same way that if you had a coworker and you were, you know, delegating your task to, you’d still have to be there to ensure that it gets done. To make sure it was washed-up efficiently and that the results was as you need it to be.

But the question kind of when to the marketer is, what does that sire you to do, if not that any longer? And in the world where there is some, you know, mundane tasks that are taken off your plate, does that midpoint a marketer’s replaced? No. But does that midpoint a marketer then can be what a marketer wants to be, which is creative and competitive? And proffer their skills past the, you know, rented work of pushing documents virtually and testing and optimizing. Like there’s just a realm of possibility that if we take tasks off our plate, what else can we do? So that’s probably an optimist’s point of view. I think we’re trying to like dig into moreover the other side of it. So I’m wondering if anyone has a increasingly doomsday point of view when it comes to that.

[00:34:39] Pete: I have a realistic expression, and that is marketers who are not using AI will be replaced with marketers who are using AI, right? So we all need to understand the tool sets, how that makes us increasingly efficient and increasingly constructive as marketers, and have a writ on those tools, and hopefully it’s going to make us increasingly efficient, make us smarter. And requite us time to reflect and think and leverage that craft of razzmatazz that we talked well-nigh in the first place. Maybe that’s moreover an optimistic point of view, but my translating to all marketers in the regulars is study AI, learn the tools, and practice the tools.

[00:35:35] Garrett: Did you want to get one in here, Molly?

[00:35:38] Molly: Yeah. Okay. So I have two. The first one is my hopeful prediction, which is that AI will unquestionably requite us a largest work-life balance. You know, we hear a lot about, we can do a lot increasingly if we’re set self-ruling to be creative, but we are moreover in a culture of burnout. You know, as marketers, some of us work 10 to 12 hours a day and you know, if that was halved and we had increasingly time for our families, or if it was fueling the four day work week, that would be tremendous considering then we could come when to our jobs and be increasingly creative considering we wouldn’t be so burnt out all the time.

The doomsday one, which I probably should have started with so I don’t end with it, but you see two camps of marketers. You see the ones that just wanna do better. They use AI, they’ve unexplored it, they’re excited by new tools. And then you see other ones that are like, you know what, I’m not trying to be the best. I just wanna do my job and go home. And you know, they wanna do the nine to five and they might not wanna learn new tools. And those people might lose their jobs and they might need to find flipside line of work. Whereas the ones that really are passionate and wanna be here will rise to the top. The problem is, I don’t know what’s gonna happen to folks that either don’t have the skills to prefer technology or that simply don’t want to.

[00:36:59] Pete: All right. We are deep into the AI wave that is this tsunami of tools and media and fear and potential regulation and so on. Based on everything, you know, as an AI marketer and as a popular culture follower considering we’re marketers. What is the one thought you would leave us today well-nigh AI marketing? And I’ll turn the mic to Jess P.

[00:37:35] Jess: I would say, take it day by day. A lot of information. Try a tool, new one. There’s many at your fingertips. Go to Product Hunt, search AI, test them out, bring it into your organization. Talk to your fellow marketers well-nigh it, and just start to understand how this fits into your day-to-day work. So get in there, get curious. It’s fun. It’s exciting. It’s interesting. It’s some concerning, but it’s all something that’s worth learning, so just get in there and have fun with it.

[00:38:11] Pete: So what I heard here was one day at a time, one tool at a time. Love that. So, for the writers out there, maybe you should puddle in art direction using AI to see if you could unquestionably diamond a page for the designers out there. Maybe you should puddle in writing and try to enhance your own skill sets using some of the copywriting tools such as Smart Copy or Jasper, or of undertow ChatGPT, but I do love that. All right.

So thank you so much to Jess and Molly and Garrett for a very engaging conversation well-nigh “what if” on some variegated scenarios on where AI marketing or AI could unquestionably take this world. And while we talked well-nigh some hyperbole of situations where either AI is destroying the world, or robots are replacing marketers, I think it made the point that AI is here and it’s an important part of our culture and our merchantry tools, and we all need to learn the AI tools, wield the AI tools and be largest for them. So thank you so much for a unconfined yack today and I wish you all a unconfined day.

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