Want to increase your sales performance and consistency, checkout this 15 point sales pre-flight checklist coming up.
Pilots have a pre-flight checklist to ensure they have a safe flight. Golfers have a pre-game mental checklist to ensure they have a good game, the list goes on. So why not sales people! If you want to increase your performance and consistency try following this 15 point pre-flight mental sales checklist before you start your work day.
Sales Tips and Techniques - 15 Point Sales Checklist:
1 - The most important part of sales isnt the product, features, benefits or price. Its the sales person.
2 - Have a positive attitude. No matter what kind of day or month youre having, always be upbeat and cheery. Remember, its your tone over content.
3 - Time kills all deals. The easier and faster you can respond to the prospect the more successful youre be
4 - Tell them they are making a great choice. Compliment them. People want to know that theyre making a good decision.
5 - Match pace and tone. Whatever the jargon or the pace of the client ismatch it!
6 - Its about helping people. Success comes from helping others. Confidence comes from knowing deep down inside that what youre selling will actually help them!
7 - Listen. Follow the 80/20 rule. If the prospect is talking 80% of the time and youre listening 20% of the time youre going to close deals. Talking less and listening more will make you a better salesperson.
8 - Pause after asking a question. The key is to engage the prospect-not impress them with your knowledge.
9 - Pause after key statements (2 seconds) - it helps the prospect focus on what you said. Remember, they are following on a 2 second delay.
10 - Make the prospect smile and youre halfway there!
11 - Start every sales conversation by asking the prospect what they need to know about your company and product. Dont guess. Ask them what they need from you.
12 - Be meticulous with your follow up. The odds of closing the deal increase dramatically with each contact you make. Its like dating. If you ask to get married on the first date youll probably not close a lot of those deals.
13 - Dont press! Listen, care and respond. Create urgency because its whats best for the prospect, not your sales commissions.
14 - Ask for the business. I know we can do a great job for you. What can I do to earn your business? They will either say yes, or tell you want the roadblock is so you can overcome it.
15 - Best easy and non-aggressive close line is Well, what you think? and pause until they talk.
Bonus Tip - If you lose a deal, call the prospect and tell them youre sorry to see them go another direction but you wish them the best and ask them what you could have done better to earn their business so you can improve as a salesperson. They will tell you! Plus, you dont burn a bridge so you can win them back later. No dead leads, only fred leads = Future Revenue Earned Downstream
Conclusion - Thanks for watching. If you found this content helpful please take a second and like, share and comment. Also make sure to follow us for more great content just like this down the road or text marketing to 39970 to opt into our weekly marketing tip text messages. Happy marketing!
Presented by: JB Kellogg
JB Kellogg is the Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Madwire®. Madwire's brands Marketing 360® and Top Rated Local® are popular platforms used to help small businesses grow. Madwire was founded in 2009 and has since grown to nearly 1,000 people and over 100MM in annual revenue. JB & Co-CEO Joe Kellogg were recognized as Glassdoor's Highest Rated CEOs for 3 consecutive years (#1 overall in 2016). JB is passionate about small business marketing, leadership, sales, team culture and more and often shares the tips, tricks and strategies he's learned in life and while growing Madwire.
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Marketing 360® is the #1 Marketing Platform® for Small Business. It has everything you need from design, to marketing, to CRM. Powered by Madwire® - voted one of the Nation's Best Places to Work by Glassdoor in 2016 & 2017!
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